Webstorm multiple cursors from selection
Webstorm multiple cursors from selection

webstorm multiple cursors from selection

You can also move code elements and logical blocks up, down, left, and right. If no shortcuts are assigned to these actions in the currently selected keymap, you can assign your own shortcuts to the Move Line Up and Move Line Down actions in the Keymap page of the IDE settings Control+Alt+S. You can move the line where the caret resides up and down using dedicated shortcuts: Control+Shift+ArrowUp and Control+Shift+ArrowDown. One way to delete a line is to select the whole line and press Delete or Backspace, but a slightly more efficient way is to press Control+Y when the caret is anywhere in that line. Learn more about different ways of duplicating lines and selected blocks.

webstorm multiple cursors from selection

To duplicate the current line, press Control+D. Instead of starting an empty line, you can duplicate an existing line and edit it as required. Instead, you can press Control+Shift+J when your caret is anywhere in the first line this action will also make sure that the resulting line is formatted correctly. WebStorm projects Write and edit source code Editor basics Multiple cursors and selection ranges LightEdit mode Source code navigation Macros Vim in WebStorm. When you need to remove an unnecessary line break and join the next line to the current one, there is no need to place the caret at the end of the line and press Delete. If a line contains a string literal, you can press Enter within the literal to split the string adding necessary syntax elements.

webstorm multiple cursors from selection

To add a new line above the current line, press Control+Alt+Enter. To add a new line below the current line, press Shift+Enter. Normally you press Enter to start a new line when the caret is at the end of that line, but you can also start a new line if the caret is in the middle of a line. Actions described in this topic (except Delete current line) can be also applied to multiple lines with multiple carets.

Webstorm multiple cursors from selection